B33 - The Meaning Behind The Logo

At Bee Inspired Clothing you’ll have seen our iconic B33 logo on all our designs and we’ve heard you asking us to explain where we found the inspiration for our famous icon.

First of all you’ll notice that B33 looks like BEE but with the Es spelt backwards which is obviously relevant to our brand Bee Inspired. However there’s a hidden meaning behind the number 33.

You may know that the two owners of the company are ex footballers and as sport has been a massive part of their lives the number 33 holds a lot of weight.

Back in the prime of their football days Steven Robb played squad number 18. Mark Corcoran kitted up in numbed 15, add them together and you get number 33!

With a new-found knowledge of the history behind the B33 logo take a look at what’s available online now.

Shop The Latest B33 Collections

Or if you want to find more about the guys who started the brand check out their story in this video.

Your Bee Team

Comments: 3

  • Love the brand

    Joe Child’s on
  • I want the hoodie he’s wearing! The colour with black logo looks nice

    Craig on
  • Hej, hvad vil det koste mig at bestille og få det til Danmark altså told og skat samt moms

    Tanja Jakobsen on

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