Sponsoring Bryan at The Tartan Golf Tour

An interesting thing about our warehouse team is that when founders Mark and Steven started Bee Inspired (almost 10 years ago) they hired a lot of friends from their football background that were looking for a job.

As the business has grown there is still a strong presence of sport (you just need to take a walk through our warehouse and you’re guaranteed to hear conversations of either football or golf). 

Bryan’s story

Bryan is a member of the warehouse team but on top of that he’s a professional golfer. He re-joined the Bee team in 2022 (he actually spent a few years working with us in 2017 before becoming a professional golfer). 

He is taking part in a golf event starting today called The Tartan Pro Tour and it’s our pleasure to sponsor him during the tournament. 

Bryan from Bee Inspired wearing the golf edit

Let’s get to know his story in a quick Q&A

How did you get into golf?

I got into golf when I was around 8 or 9 through my dad, he was a keen golfer and I was curious so always asked to tag along.

What is the Tartan Tour?

Tartan Pro Tour is a tour ran for any professional golfer to play in. It was started by European Tour Pro - Paul Lawrie about 4 years ago and has kept on growing. It's now a feeder tour for Challenge tour which is a massive achievement for all the guys who run it.

What inspires you?

My family are my biggest inspiration to be honest. My dad was a professional sportsperson and played football all his days, he's a dab hand with a golf club as well.

My sister is a Scottish internationalist at netball, alongside coaching at international level. She's also a full time primary teacher but it’s definitely a family thing to have sport in our background.

My mum is a hard worker and top supporter, she has no time to play sport though as she's too busy being our number one fan and dog sitter!

Follow Bryan's progress this week on the Tartan Pro Tour Instagram Page @tartanprotour

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