Herald Fashion Awards

If you haven't already seen or heard from our various social media pages we’ve been nominated for not only one but three awards at The Herald Online Scottish Fashion Awards! Those who are not familiar with the event, it's a ceremony that acknowledges and celebrates the innovative world of digital fashion.

As many of you know we’ve worked hard at Bee Inspired HQ the last two years to make the best of gear for you guys and are forever working around the clock to better and improve the quality and brand each and everyday. So you can imagine our absolute delight to receive recognition and to be even considered for such prestige titles. 

We’ve been shortlisted for 3 awards;  Best use of online Marketing, Best Scottish Independent Online Retailer and last but not least, our personal favourite The People’s Choice award. This particular award is an opportunity for the public to show their admiration and support of a brand and vote for them as their personal favourite.

Now this is the part where we need you guys to help us out! Many of you out there already Tweet us, Facebook, email and let us know how much you love Bee Inspired Clothing and we appreciate the feedback we receive on a daily basis. So if you think Bee Inspired deserves The Peoples Choice Award then simply vote for us by clicking on the image above or below and filling out your details! (it only takes a minute)

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you. We wouldn’t have got this far without you out there buying our products, giving us feedback and just generally being awesome! The award ceremony takes place on the 8th of November 2015. We'll be sure to keep you all updated and no doubt some scandalous drunken pictures!


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