Join Our Fantasy Premier League

This weekend the Premier League returns to our screens as the 2019/20 season kicks off and it’s safe to say we’re buzzing. 

To celebrate the launch of the new season we’ve set up our very own Fantasy Premier League and in true Bee Inspired style we’ve kept it interesting. 

Each month the team with the most points gained will WIN their choice of an item from our online store up to the value of £50. The winner will be announced on the 10th of each month.

The team that tops our league at the end of the season will be crowned champion and will win a massive £500 voucher. 2nd place will receive a £100 voucher and 3rd place will receive a £50 voucher

To sign up head over to :

Create an account and team (if you don’t have one) and in the private league search function enter code : 


Good luck to everyone who enters and here’s to another phenomenal year of football.

Your Bee Team.

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